Request pre-application advice
Before you submit your application, we encourage you to contact us for advice. We would like to help you to:
- identify any potential issues early
- verify local requirements and check you have all the information
- reduce the risk of submitting an invalid application
- understand how planning policies affect your proposal
- ensure the application is processed efficiently
How to make a request
Before you make a request, you can view our pre-application advice fees for the category of development.
To request pre-application advice, you must complete the online form and make the correct payment.
The information you provide will help us to deliver a more tailored response. We will need:
- a plan which clearly identifies the site, if possible, including the address
- a description of the proposed use or development
- the size, scale and nature of the proposed use
- details of measures to mitigate any impact of your proposal
- details of any engagement with the local community
You should upload all supporting documents and plans to the form.
What we will do
We will send an email confirmation that we have received your form within a few minutes. If this does not arrive, please check your spam or junk folder.
Within seven working days, we will email you to confirm that:
- the fee you have paid is correct, or
- whether you have an amount outstanding to pay
Once we accept your request, a case officer will contact you to discuss it within a further five working days.
They will make arrangements for a site or office meeting where one is offered as part of the service. The timescale will depend on:
- the complexity of the proposal
- the amount of preparation work needed
- the availability of any specialist advice, if needed
If no meeting is required, the case officer will confirm the timescale for issuing their written advice.
What will our advice contain?
Our advice will highlight any issues that you must consider as part of the planning application process. We will base it on the information you provide and our discussions.
While every proposal is different, our advice will cover:
- the information that you must submit with your application (for example, the correct application forms, site location, technical plans and any other supporting information)
- informal advice on the planning merits of the proposal, including whether the proposal is acceptable or not
- details of the relevant planning history of the site
- a summary of planning policies (national and development plan) or guidance relevant to the proposal
- details of any statutory designations relevant to the site and surrounding area and planning constraints to development
Once we have all the information, we will provide advice for:
- significant, large and medium developments within 28 days
- smaller developments within 14 days