At Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire, we can now offer dedicated support to people aged over 65 who may struggle to access our services and are being adversely affected by the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. Our advisers can help with issues related to:
- welfare benefits
- home adaptations
- energy saving schemes
- form filling
- income maximisation and cost of living support
Our advisers are able to offer home visits as part of this project
They are also able to give talks and presentations about the project. If your parish council would be interested in receiving a presentation please email Maxine (maxine.candler@citizensadvicesouthlincs.org.uk ) or Shilpa (shilpa.manzur@citizensadvicesouthlincs.org.uk)
Please share the poster and information about the scheme with your networks and of anyone who might find it helpful. You can also complete the following form to refer clients into the service
Best Wishes,
Sean Betts
Impact Officer
Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire
Working Days: Mon-Thu
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See our for information about our organisation, volunteering and webchat advice.
Call Adviceline on 0808 278 7996 for telephone advice.