Cross Keys Swing Bridge overnight closures

Cross keys bridge
Cross keys bridge

Dates when the bridge will be closed overnight have been announced as part of crucial ongoing maintenance works.

Work to repaint the A17 Cross Keys Swing Bridge has now begun and as part of the programme of works set for the coming months, the dates when the bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic and pedestrians overnight have been announced.

The bridge is having to be shut down during these periods to allow the work crew to paint the ends of the bridge and other areas that are inaccessible whilst the traffic is live across the structure. Because the bridge will have to be held open for considerable periods whilst this work is undertaken, the route is being closed during selected overnight dates.

This means that the bridge will be closed from 19.00 to 07.00 on the affected days.  

Those days are:

  • May 3, 4 and 5 
  • May 9, 10 and 11 
  • May 16, 17 and 18 
  • May 23, 24 and 25 

Whilst the bridge is closed during these hours, the diversionary route via Wisbech will remain open as usual acting as the alternative way for road users to get across the river.

Variable Message Signs will be used locally to give advance notice of each closure ahead of the affected dates.

The essential maintenance for the bridge will continue until July 1. During that time the traffic across the bridge will be managed to keep site crews and road users safe.

Every effort is being made to minimise the disruption for road users whilst the work happens. During public holidays, when we expect more traffic on local roads, the restrictions will be removed completely to further reduce traffic hold up.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways said: “The overnight closures are a vital part of our minimising the amount of disruption for road users in the area.

“By getting this aspect of the maintenance works out of the way by working through the night, we can ensure that the least amount of traffic is directly affected.

 “For those who want to avoid the bridge completely, the advisory diversionary route will be clearly signposted to make things as straightforward as possible.

“We want to thank everyone for their continuing patience in this matter while the vital works are happening.”

Published: 28th February 2022