Road Reopened Early: B1191 Martin South Drove between Martin and Woodhall Spa fully operational again

Diversion Route - B1191 Martin

Roadworks have finished early to reduce further disruption for road users.

The recent emergency road closure brought in on the B1191 Martin South Drove, the route between Martin and Woodhall Spa, has been ended early.

Due to a recent deterioration of the road surface that required immediate attention, the works were put into action at the start of this week and were due to last until Friday.

On further detailed inspection of the road whilst initial works were underway, the highways team has now been able to take the option to split the works into two. By doing this further disruption for road users this week can be avoided.

The news means that the first phase of repair to the deteriorating road surface is now complete, and the road is fully reopened for all traffic.

A second phase of works along this section of road will now be planned with a start date looking to be set for some time in the coming months.

Karen Cassar, assistant director of highways for Lincolnshire County Council said: “We’re very happy to be able to take the option to split these works across two dates and get the road reopened earlier than planned on this occasion.

“By now carrying out the works across two separate dates we have been able to ensure that the areas of the road that were worst affected have now had most urgent repairs during this first phase. We will now plan for the second phase of these repairs for later this year where the remaining works necessary will be completed.

“We would like to thank everybody concerned for their patience as the worst affected areas of the road were repaired.”

Published: 16th February 2022