Lincoln Eastern Bypass update: Sleaford Road roundabout officially open to road users

Sleaford road roundabout

Road users can now drive on the second of four Lincoln Eastern Bypass roundabouts.

What we achieved in October

  • Completed essential works at Sleaford Road roundabout and opened up to road users
  • Steel beams for River Witham Viaduct lifted, placed and braced.
  • Continue construction of wing walls for Lincoln Road underpass
  • Superstructure delivered and assembled for new Hawthorn Road footbridge
  • Completed earthworks and continued concrete works for Heighington Road bridge
  • Progressed with construction of bridge bases for Bloxholm Lane footbridge
  • Continued kerbing, drainage, street lighting, earthworks and surfacing at Wragby Road roundabout
  • Started surfacing between Sleaford Road and Lincoln Road
    Continued drainage works between Greetwell Road and Wragby Road; and Branston Brook to Heighington Road
  • Started drainage, earthworks, street lighting and kerbing for new Greetwell Road roundabout
  • Continued sub-base, gullies and kerbings between Sleaford Road and Lincoln Road
  • Continued post-excavation archaeological reporting

What’s happening in November

  • Complete wing wall construction, waterproof walls and carry out drainage works for Lincoln Road underpass
  • Continue construction of River Witham Viaduct, including wing wall construction and decking rebar
  • Lift Hawthorn Road footbridge superstructure into place and begin parapet works
  • Complete bridge base construction and begin building the abutment walls for the new Bloxholm Lane footbridge
  • Continue construction of Heighington Road bridge, including water-proofing and edge beam works
  • Complete kerbing, drainage, street lighting, earthworks and surfacing at Wragby Road roundabout
  • Continue drainage works between Greetwell Road and Wragby Road; Washingborough Road and Greetwell Road; and Branston Brook and Heighington Road.
  • Complete essential works at Greetwell Road roundabout and opened up to road users
  • Complete surfacing between Sleaford Road and Lincoln Road
  • Continue post-excavation archaeological reporting

Upcoming traffic restrictions and closures

  • Night-time 3-way traffic signals at Wragby Road roundabout from 11 to 22 November, 6:30pm to 6am

Current/ongoing traffic restrictions and closures

  • Full night-time closure at Wragby Road roundabout until 8 November, 6:30pm to 6am
  • Full 24/7 closure of Greetwell Road from 14 October to 29 November
  • Temporary speed restrictions on Washingborough Road, Greetwell Road, Lincoln Road, Sleaford Road and Hawthorn Road
  • Weekday off-peak two-way traffic signals (9:30am - 3:30pm) until mid-December on A15 Sleaford Road
  • Temporary traffic signals on Hawthorn Road, Greetwell Road, Washingborough Road and Lincoln Road to allow safe access for construction vehicles and machinery
  • Temporary 200m path diversion on the Sustrans route along the River Witham
  • Full closure of Heighington Road, Bloxholm Lane and Greetwell Fields Lane

Published: 4th November 2019