Bridge beams for Lincoln Eastern Bypass now in place over River Witham

River witham beams

Six 225-metre long, 250-tonne bridge beams have been lifted into place over the past month, forming an integral part of the new River Witham viaduct.

Cllr Richard Davies, Executive Member for Highways and Transport, said: This is another big milestone for the bypass, since it signifies the progress we’re making on one of the most complicated elements of the project.

“Now that the beams are in place, Galliford Try will build the bridge deck over the next several months followed by installing its parapets, waterproofing it and laying kerbing and surfacing.

“Because it’s such a massive piece of infrastructure, this bridge is very likely to be the last piece of the scheme completed before we officially open up the road.”

Below are some facts and figures about the bridge beams and the new bridge, itself:

  • all the bridge sections were manufactured by Cleveland Bridge in Darlington
  • when complete, the bridge deck will span for 225m over the River Witham, Canwick Fen Drain, South Delph and North Delph
  • the bridge beam sections were assembled next to the new bridge supports and lifted into place using a 1200-tonne crane
  • the bridge beams are constructed using weathering steel
  • a total of around 10,000 work hours have been spent on the viaduct to date, including the manufacture of the bridge beams
  • a crew of 14 specialist operatives were on site to safely place the beams above the watercourses

Cllr Davies added: Getting these beams lifted into place and constructing the bridge deck is just one of the many important jobs happening on-site at the moment.

“We’re also hard at work getting the new Greetwell Road and Sleaford Road roundabouts built, along with widening and adding a new leg to Wragby Road roundabout.

“The scheme as a whole is progressing really well, and we’re looking forward to opening it up next year.”

The 7.5km Lincoln Eastern Bypass project is part-funded by a £50m Central Government capital grant and will improve Lincoln’s infrastructure, encourage growth, minimise traffic congestion and enhance the inter-city environment.

Published: 28th October 2019