One week of works left at Pelham Bridge

Pelham Bridge

With just one week of works left at Pelham Bridge, the team's focus is now on finishing road surfacing, safety barriers, road signs and lines.

New street-lighting columns were installed this week to replace badly-corroded ones towards the start of the works.

Works to strengthen and repaint the other columns was also carried out, along with fixing lanterns to all of them.

The team also continued surfacing of the main carriageway and footways, ready for people to start using them again.

In addition, installation of safety rails started this week – the posts for these were already installed but the tarmac needed to laid before the rails could go in.

And finally, the installation of expansion joints by specialist contractors started, with work set to wrap up next week.

During w/c 16th August, the focus will be on:

  • Completing road surfacing to the carriageway, footways and central reserve
  • Installing safety barriers along both sides of the bridge and setting them to their final lines and levels
  • Completing the installation of expansion joints
  • Re-erecting road signs
  • Painting new road markings

Thanks again to drivers across the city and beyond for bearing with us.

Published: 13th August 2021