Holdingham Roundabout improvements reach midway point

Holdingham - Midway
Holdingham - Midway

Works to add new approach lanes and traffic lights at the busy roundabout are now more than halfway complete.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: "Our improvements at Holdingham Roundabout are continuing to go well. In fact, we're now past the project's midway point.

"Since starting in February, the team has excavated over 4,000 tonnes of old road material to make way for new, in addition to laying over a quarter-mile of new underground drainage pipes.

"We've also had Openreach, Western Power and Anglian Water on-site to divert some of their underground services so they fit with the new design of the roundabout. 

"Now that we've passed the halfway point, one of the next steps is to lay new road surfacing to the roundabout, which will involve some overnight closures. However, the details of these are still being finalised, but we will share the dates and times as soon as they're confirmed.

"In addition to that, the team will also be focusing on the new traffic signal system over the coming months, including installing wiring, setting up the system and putting over twenty new traffic signals into place. 

"Once we're finished in December, people using the roundabout can expect increased safety, smoother journey and shorter travel times now and in the future in and around Sleaford."

Upcoming traffic management for July and August includes:

  • A17 Newark – westbound towards Newark
    • Saturday 17 July
    • 7am up to 6pm
    • Diversion route via A15 South, A153 West, A607 North
  • A15 Bourne – southbound towards Bourne
    • Saturday 7 August and Saturday 14 August
    • 7am up to 6pm
    • Diversion route via A17 West, A607 South, A153 East

The £8.25m A17/A153 Rugby Club Junction / A17 Holdingham Roundabout scheme is being funded by the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership, North Kesteven District Council, Lincolnshire County Council and developer contributions.

For more information about this and other major highways projects, visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/majorprojects.

Published: 13th July 2021