What we achieved in July and what we have planned for August.
What we achieved in June
Phase Two
- Started out works to underside of new underpass
- Began earthworks near the old underpass
- Continued drainage and ducting works across the entire site
- Commenced street lighting and signage installation across the entire site
- Road surfacing, lining, ducting and drainage works to the A1
- Removed central reservation on the A1
Phase Three
- Continue haul works / carry out drainage works / continue installation of piling platforms to the west side of site
- Installed track monitoring and instrumentation to measure pore water and railway movement to the east side of site
- Continued earthworks and set up a material processing yard on the east side of side
- Continued post-excavation archaeological reporting
What's happening in July
Phase Two
- Continue works to underside of new underpass
- Continue earthworks near the old underpass
- Continue drainage and ducting works / street lighting and signage installation across the entire site
- Continue central reservation drainage works on the A1
- Begin safety fencing installation on the A1
Phase Three
- Continue drainage works / build test pile platform / install test piles for Pier 2 of the new bridge on the west side of site
- Process rocks on-site by crushing them to use a fill material on east side of site
- Continue bulk earthworks and filling shoulders of site with core material on east side of site
- Continue post-excavation archaeological reporting
Current/ongoing traffic restrictions and closures
- 50mph speed limit and narrowed lanes on the A1 between Harlaxton to Little Ponton
- On-going lane closures on the B1174 roundabout until the end of the scheme
- Southbound A1 closure between Little Ponton and Harlaxton from Monday 5 July to Friday 9 July, 8pm to 6am
Upcoming traffic restrictions and closures
- Northbound lane closure from Monday 26 July to Friday 6 August, 8pm to 6am
- Northbound A1 closure between Little Ponton and Harlaxton from Monday 9 August to Friday 20 August, 8pm to 6am
- Southbound A1 closure between Little Ponton and Harlaxton from Monday 23 August to Friday 3 September, 8pm to 6am
- Northbound A1 closure between Little Ponton and Harlaxton from Monday 6 to Friday 24 September, 8pm to 6am