Maintenance work started on Monday 7 June on Lincoln's Pelham Bridge; here's what we've done during this second week.
This week we have mainly been working on the removal of old waterproofing from the deck.
On the carriageway sections, we can do this using diggers. But on the footway areas, we have to scrape the excess off manually. Removing the waterproofing in the heat we have had this week can be difficult as the texture changes and it becomes stickier.
We have also been cleaning and clearing debris out of the expansion joints, which are gaps in the bridge deck to allow for thermal expansion. Foam has been used to temporarily seal these joints during the work and prevent any debris from dropping through.
Specialist contractors have conducted trials of open blasting methods to remove to further clean the bridge deck. This will ensure that all excess waterproofing membrane will be removed before the new one is applied.
This weekend we will start hydrodemolition. This is a technique using high pressure water jets, which can break out any damaged or substandard areas of concrete, so that those areas can be repaired properly before waterproofing the deck.
Richard Waters, structures engineer at Lincolnshire County Council, said:
"There hasn't been as dramatic a change visually this week, compared to last week, but there's been a lot of work going on to remove the old waterproofing from the bridge and get it ready for the new material to be applied.
"Thanks again to residents and businesses in the city for bearing with us. Many drivers have changed their routes around the city or are travelling at different times and it all helps to cut the traffic in the centre at peak times."