Plans to repair and protect stones of Stamford's Red Lion Square

Red Lion Square
Red Lion Square

Lincolnshire County Council is developing a plan to upgrade the road surface in Red Lion Square to protect the heritage look of the area, and prevent the cracking and shifting of the stones.

Yorkstone setts were initially installed in Red Lion Square in 2007. In recent years, the stone setts have required ongoing maintenance, as vehicles moving through the square cause them to move around, lift out of place, or break.

The county council's latest plans for the square would see all the current stones replaced with thicker setts, on a stronger base. This would make the surface more robust while maintaining the heritage look.

Dates for the project are yet to be finalised, but work is expected to start sometime next year.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways on Lincolnshire County Council, said:

"Residents have made it clear to us that the stone sets in Red Lion Square are important to them in preserving the town's character.

"However, with vehicle movements causing the stones to crack or lift and creating a trip hazard, it's clear that something needs to be done to make the road safer and reduce the bill for local taxpayers of ongoing maintenance.

"The option we have come up with will preserve the look of the stone setts, but provide a much stronger base and have thicker stones to deal with the traffic moving through the square.

"Whilst we are still finalising and costing-up the plans, we hope to be able to start work in 2022.

"Investing in improving the road surface in Red Lion Square now will drastically reduce the risk to pedestrians from raised stones and the need for constant repairs."

Published: 16th March 2021