Corringham Road and Thorndike Way junction works extended into New Year

Gainsborough's thorndyke way junction

Please note that, due to a combination of wet weather, unexpected ground conditions and some delays due to coronavirus, the improvement works currently underway at the Corringham Road/Thorndike Way junction are now expected to be complete at the end of January.

Until then, the following traffic management will remain in place:

  •                      Temporary traffic signals at the junction during the works
  •                      Lane closures on the A631 Thorndike Way dual carriageway.

Cllr Clio Perraton-Williams, county councillor for Scotter Rural and executive support councillor for highways, said: "Over the past couple months, we've seen higher than average amounts of rainfall, including ten wet days in December alone.

"Combined with the contractor experiencing some supply chain issues due to coronavirus and unexpected ground conditions throughout the project, we haven't been able to finish these improvements this month as originally planned.

"Despite Balfour Beatty working tirelessly to tackle these challenges throughout the project, we now expect to have the new signals switched on and the project completed at the end of January.

"I know this is less than ideal, but rest assured that the junction will continue operating as efficiently as it is now throughout January and that we will be doing everything we can to finish these works up as soon as possible in the new year."

Published: 23rd December 2020