Building upon the works carried out in July will be the main focus this month.
What we achieved in July
- Completed construction of the culvert and headwalls / started construction of the embankment, kerbs and drainage for the A17 slip road
- Completed kerbing, drainage and footway construction (except final surfacing) on the west side of the A153
- Completed traffic signal ducting, kerbing and base-level surfacing course on the northern traffic island
- Commenced kerbing, drainage and installing traffic signal equipment on the southern island
- Commenced excavation, kerbing and drainage on the east side of the A153
- Completed BT ducting and box construction ahead of upcoming BT cable diversion
- Reconstructed the carriageway on the A17 entry slip lane
What's happening in August
- Complete the construction of the embankment, kerbs and drainage to the A17 slip road
- Complete kerbing, drainage and traffic signal equipment on the southern island
- Complete excavation, kerbing, drainage and footway / remove and dispose existing kerbing and drainage on the east side of the A153
- Complete streetlight column installation on the west side of the A153
- Continue WPD and BT utility works
- Commence construction of two new central traffic islands
Current/ongoing traffic restrictions and closures
- Full 24/7 closure of eastbound A17 exit slip road
- Right-turn ban off of the A153 onto the A17
- Temporary 30mph speed restriction and narrowed lane on A153 East Road
Upcoming traffic restrictions and closures
- Two-way traffic signals (occasional weekend/off- peak usage when required)