Supporting Lincolnshire businesses to reopen when the time is right

Lady drinking water in food court

As the government eases lockdown restrictions across the country, Lincolnshire County Council is working with the district councils to support local businesses to reopen safely.

Car showrooms and outdoor markets were allowed to reopen from 1 June, with other non-essential retailers and some outdoor attractions being allowed to reopen from Monday 15 June.

Some of the remaining businesses and premises that have been required to close could be allowed to reopen no earlier than 4 July.

This includes:

  • personal care such as hairdressers, beauty salons and tanning shops
  • hospitality such as food service providers, pubs and accommodation
  • leisure facilities like cinemas and gyms

Businesses that reopen are legally responsible for following the government's current guidance regarding social distancing.

To protect staff and customers, businesses should manage entry into the store, only allowing a limited number of people in at any given time.

They should also put up signage to ask customers with symptoms not to enter the store, and to remind both staff and customers to always keep two metres from other people, wherever possible.

Lincolnshire Trading Standards and Business Lincolnshire are operating a dedicated hotline offering advice and guidance to businesses during this difficult time.

Businesses can call the hotline on 01522 782189, or visit the Business Lincolnshire website. Lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

The hotline offers advice on the financial support available including for those who are self-employed.

The Trading Standards team can also help with businesses looking to reopen and diversify, implement social distancing practices, and continue to operate if government legislation allows.

Business Lincolnshire will also be able to support county businesses to recover and grow when they need it.

Cllr Colin Davie, executive member for economy and place, said:

"I welcome the government’s planned ‘roadmap’ to recovery and we will keep up our efforts to ensure businesses receive the ongoing support – both locally and nationally – that is absolutely critical.

"Some businesses are suffering greatly, and whilst the situation is outside of our control we will continue to ensure that the right support is provided for phased recovery that gives confidence to residents and visitors."

If residents are concerned that a business is operating in a way that they shouldn't, they can report this to Trading Standards.

As more businesses begin to reopen, residents may also have consumer issues or complaints about businesses trading illegally. These can also be reported to Trading Standards.

This can be done through the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on freephone 0808 2231133, or through the Citizens Advice website.

Working together, ourselves, the district councils, and the police, have the powers to enforce the government regulations.

Published: 11th June 2020