Additional works required at B1225 Stainton le Vale

roadworks sign

Minor repairs will be carried out for up to five days starting next Monday.

Karen Cassar, Assistant Director – Highways, said: “We always carry out tests to ensure newly-laid road surfacing meets the high standards we expect.  

“Unfortunately, some of the surface course material laid last year at the approaches to the B1225 and B1203 in Stainton le Vale hasn’t met our stringent quality requirements.

“As a result, the contractor will be replacing this as part of our contract with them, at their own cost.”

The works will start on Monday 16 September for up to five days. As part of this, the B1225 Caistor High Street (between Middle Lane junction in Stainton le Vale and a point 200 metres south of the B1203 junction in Tealby), will be closed from 8am to 6pm. The B1203 will remain opened under temporary traffic signals.

The diversion routes for the works are as follows:

  • North section of junction: via B1225 / A46 / A18 / B1203 and vice versa
  • South section of junction: via B1203 / A18 / A16 / A157 / A631 / B1225 and vice versa

Karen Cassar continued: “Repairing these defects now will not only save the council money and time in the future, but it will prevent further disruption at this crossing down the line.

“Because these works will inevitably cause some disruption, I want to thank everyone in advance for bearing with us.”

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, visit

Published: 11th September 2024