The latest update on Grantham Market Place.
What we achieved in August
- Opened up Market Place and Westgate to traffic in time for Bank Holiday
- Started additional SKDC works to tidy up the pedestrian areas around the site, including vegetation removal and power washing footway slabs
- Continued to lay setts on Conduit Lane, including grouting and masticing areas
- Replaced bollards at top of Butcher’s Row that were removed to aid deliveries
What’s happening in September
- Finish laying setts on Conduit Lane, including grouting and mastic
- Continuing with vegetation removal and power washing works
- Address issue with ponding to private access by Conduit Tea Rooms
- Re-open Conduit Lane once mortar has hardened/strengthened
Current/ongoing traffic restrictions and closures
- Soft closure on Conduit Lane (access maintained for taxi rank)
Upcoming traffic restrictions and closures
- No changes expected