Cherry Willingham roads improvement

Signs and cones on a road.

Three roads getting resurfaced across day and night works.

Assistant director for Highways, Karen Cassar said: “This programme is a complex one which will mean a hive of work going on to put a new surface onto three roads in Cherry Willingham.  

“It’s an extensive set of works that includes Jubilee Close along with sections of High Street and Croft Lane.  

“We are able to get so much done by splitting the works across day and night shifts. Overall this will result in a much better road surface in three locations for those who travel in the area.”   

Location of works

The works will be carried out at Jubilee Close, High Street (from Elm Avenue junction to Church Lane) and Croft Lane (from Church Lane to the rail crossing). 

Dates and times

The works will begin on Monday, July 29 and have a planned end date of Thursday, August 8, subject to suitable weather. 

  • Jubilee Close will have the crew on-site on July 29 and July 30 from 09.00 to 16.00. 
  • High Street (from the Elm Avenue junction to Church Lane) will be worked on from July 31 to August 2. Work hours on this part of the programme will be from 07.30 to 17.00. 
  • Croft Lane (from Church Lane to the railway crossing) is getting night-works from August 5 to August 8. The crew will be working from 20.00 to 06.00. 

Traffic management

There is no diversion route for Jubilee Close as this is a cul-de-sac. A road closure is required for the duration of the other works with one diversion for the day programme and another for the night schedule. See attached maps for each.  

Karen Cassar added: “This latest round of resurfacing work will improve the roads and give them many more years of life. It’s not a small job with this part of the scheme alone costing around £240,000 to put in place. 

“These works follow the recent resurfacing in June of Fiskerton Road in Cherry Willingham which cost £455,000 and that makes the total resurfacing scheme value so far in this area just under £700,000. 

“A lot of money is being spent, and our crews are working literally day and night, to get these improvements in place to make the area better for road users to travel around. 

“To anyone effected by the work we’re undertaking, I would like to say thank you for your patience and understanding and that we will do everything possible to keep disruption down to a minimum.” 

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit

Published: 26th July 2024