The worn road is getting a new lease of life.
Assistant director for Highways, Karen Cassar said: “We are delighted to be able to bring this scheme to life and get a new road surface on Roughton Road.
“It’s not a small job and will cost around £172,000. Once complete, the difference will be very noticeable for everyone who travels on the route.”
Location of works
The works will be carried out at the C609 Main Road, Roughton.
Dates and times
The works will begin on Friday 2 August and have a planned end date of Friday 23 August, subject to suitable weather. Work times on-site will be from 07.30 to 17.00 each day. There will be no work during weekends.
Traffic management
A road closure is required for the duration of the works with local residential and business access maintained.
Diversion route
The signed diversion route will be; Roughton Road-Moor Lane- Kirkby Lane-B1191 Horncastle Road and vice versa.
Karen Cassar added: “The new surface will also greatly increase the lifespan of the road on top of the obvious driving benefits from the better top layer.
“Because of the nature of the works, a full road closure will be needed for the duration of the programme to ensure the safety of the work crew and road users alike. We have put a diversion route in place using like-for-like roads so that all traffic will be able to get about.
“Delivering this improvement will be a big benefit to the immediate area and we will do everything possible to keep disruption to the absolute minimum, where we can. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone effected by these works for their patience during this scheme.”
For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/roadworks.