‘Putting Carers on the Map’ for Carers Week, 10-16 June

Two people holding hands in support

Lincolnshire County Council is joining forces with Lincolnshire Carers Service and other partners to support and recognise the efforts of carers during Carers Week, 10-16 June.

Carers Week is an annual awareness campaign that celebrates and recognises the vital contribution of the UK’s unpaid carers – who may be young or older carers, supporting family members and friends who are older, have a disability, mental or physical illness or need extra help as they grow older.

“The theme for this year is ‘Putting Carers on the Map’ so that the voices of unpaid carers are heard by employers, service providers, educational establishments, journalists and throughout our communities”, said Councillor Wendy Bowkett, Executive Councillor for Adult Care. “We want caring to be made more visible, ensuring that carers feel seen and respected and that they can access the services and support that they need.

“This includes raising awareness about the challenges carers face, whether young or old, which impact on their finances, employment, health and wellbeing and ensuring policymakers and politicians take steps to better support carers’ needs. The efforts of millions of carers help to keep so many vulnerable people safe in the health and care system and we need to recognise this and support them as much as we can.”

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive councillor for children’s services, added: "The council greatly values the role played by carers and wants to make sure their vital contribution is properly recognised. We are particularly proud of our young carers, who have to juggle their caring duties with school. We do have support available for young carers if you need it. We can offer you and your family an opportunity to talk about your caring role and any worries you have and offer you the chance to meet other young carers. Thank you for all you do, and remember you are not alone.”

Find out what activities are taking place in Lincolnshire here: Carers Week | Carers First.

To find out more about the range of support available, including the Lincolnshire Carers Service, go to - www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/support-carers and to find out how the Lincolnshire Young Carers Service supports young carers up to the age of 19 go to Young carers – Young carers service - Lincolnshire County Council

You can contact Lincolnshire Carers Service 01522 782224 (8am-6pm) Monday-Friday, and for information about Lincolnshire Young Carers, email youngcarers@lincolnshire.gov.uk or call 01522 553275.

Background information

There are an estimated 70,391 unpaid family carers in Lincolnshire (2021 Census). There are currently 5.7 million unpaid carers in the UK, and that number is on the rise. Their huge contribution saves our economy £162 billion each year - the cost of a second NHS. Each carer’s needs and situation are as unique as they are, but many face similar challenges. They can struggle to balance employment, finances, or their own wellbeing and time for themselves with their caring role.

Published: 7th June 2024