A16 Pinchbeck Roundabout June update

An overhead view of progress on the Pinchbeck Roundabout.

The latest update on Pinchbeck Roundabout.

What we achieved in May

  • Installed traffic management and reduced the speed limit on the roundabout approaches to 30mph
  • Established site compound off West Marsh Road
  • Removed the existing splitter islands and reinstated their locations
  • Started site clearance works along A16 North, A16 South and southwest side of B1180

What’s happening in June

  • Begin earthworks on A16 North and A16 South
  • Begin earthworks on southwest side of B1180
  • Carry out drainage work on southwest side of B1180

Current/ongoing traffic restrictions and closures

  • 24/7 barriers at the roundabout, along northbound A16 and eastbound B1180
  • Ongoing narrowed roundabout lanes

Upcoming traffic restrictions and closures

  • N/A

Published: 4th June 2024