Protecting our communities from serious violence

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A new strategy for preventing serious violence within local communities has been unveiled by the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership.

In anticipation of the Serious Violence Duty (2023), serious violence was added to the strategic priorities of the partnership, alongside fraud, anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol-related issues and reducing reoffending.

The Serious Violence Core Priority Group, a collaboration between agencies, was established to deliver the duty, and they have developed a Serious Violence Prevention Strategy. This sets out how they will deliver against both their own pre-identified focus areas and national measures.

This will build upon the strong foundation of work already being carried out to better protect Lincolnshire communities and includes a range of projects aiming to help us all better understand our surroundings, our shared values and ways to keep one another safe. (See notes to editor for further details on specific projects)

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for community safety at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Although Lincolnshire is a safe place to live, local organisations are committed to preventing serious violence and protecting our communities from its impact. This will mean better co-ordination between partners helping us to work together more effectively.

“Our aim is to tackle the root causes of serious violence and stop it from escalating, minimising the harm caused. This will complement the other preventive work already being carried out by the council and its partners, as well as local efforts to reduce reoffending.”

Marc Jones, Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “I have provided £3 million to create this initiative and believe, along with this substantial funding, a strong partnership approach is key to protecting our communities from violence.

“Combined with a series of successful bids I have made for Government funding, to install scores of new CCTV cameras across the county, a great deal of excellent work is being done to keep our communities safe.

“This new strategy will help drive this positive work forward and ensure organisations across Lincolnshire are focused on working together for the benefit of residents.”

A link to the strategy and further information on the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership can be found here.


Published: 16th February 2024