Blank canvas: Visitors invited to help shape Usher Gallery rehang

Usher Gallery building

Thanks to funding from Arts Council England, we’ll be changing the artwork on display in Lincoln’s public art gallery, and your feedback will help to shape the new displays.

The Usher Gallery provides visitors with a small peak into the county’s collection of over 1,000 artworks, which includes paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics and horology, from the 17th Century to the modern day.

Using this vast collection in a new way, the entire art gallery will undergo a rehang, starting later this year.

We want to gather ideas on what you would like to see at the Usher Gallery and what you think would inspire more people to visit.

Share your thoughts on the Usher Gallery

Cllr Lindsey Cawrey, executive member for culture at Lincolnshire County Council, said:

“With hundreds of artworks in the county’s collection, and only a limited space to display them, a rehang is the perfect opportunity to bring some pieces out of the archives that haven’t been displayed in a while.

“It’s also an opportunity to take stock; what do our visitors love seeing when they come to the Usher Gallery? What do people want to see more of?

“We also want to hear from people who have never visited the gallery before, or haven’t been back in a long time; how can we entice you in to experience free art in Lincoln?

“All the feedback we get will help us make sure we’re showcasing a wide range of the art from our collection, and telling compelling stories from our county and beyond.”

As well as completing the online survey, on the Let’s Talk project page you can share memories of visits to the gallery, exhibitions or events you’ve attended.

We’ll also be hosting engagement events, where you will have the opportunity to meet staff and find out more about the rehang. You can find upcoming dates for these on the Let’s Talk website.

The rehang will take place in stages – one gallery space at a time – and the Usher will remain open as normal throughout so visitors can continue to enjoy art for free in Lincoln.

The survey will close on Friday 12 April 2024 to allow gallery staff to begin collating your feedback.

As well as the upcoming rehang, the gallery lighting and window blinds will all be upgraded over the coming months, thanks to funding from the Usher Gallery Trust.

The Usher Gallery is on Danes Terrace, Lincoln, and is open from 10am to 4pm, Thursday to Monday. Entry is free. Plan your visit now at

Published: 13th February 2024