Short Ferry is open

Short Ferry road open with temporary traffic lights

Confirmation from the crew on-site that the route is back in action.

Update 9th February: The heavy snow and rainfall that fell across the county yesterday has had an immediate impact on our county, with swollen water levels rising again.  

The result is that LCC has had to close the Short Ferry road on advice from the Environment Agency. The damaged riverbank that was being repaired following damage due to previous flooding, has overtopped again.  

LCC Highways officers have confirmed that Short Ferry road, between Fiskerton and Stainfield, is now open to all traffic and is operating under two-way lights. The crew have been on-site since the early hours monitoring the road itself and surrounding water levels.

LCC Highways is expecting to lift the road closure at Short Ferry on Monday. 

Following extensive work between the Highways Authority and the Environment Agency, water levels at Short Ferry are now at a level where the road is close to being open – as long as the weekends’ positive weather forecasts are correct, and no unforeseen circumstances occur. 

Crews on site are currently monitoring the situation between Fiskerton and Stainfield. With the road still closed to traffic for now, it means that Highways can assess the condition of the route itself and the surrounding area as it’s becoming available. Indicators are that the road is looking good and things are heading in the right direction for reopening.   

Richard Fenwick, Head of Highways Asset at LCC said: “With the weather that’s forecast over the next 48 hours, and the extensive work carried out by crews on site, it is looking as though we may be able to get the road open again on Monday.  

“We will continue to monitor the situation across the weekend whilst the road is still closed and free from traffic.  

“We will carry out another set of assessments as early as possible on Monday morning once we have daylight. Hopefully that will be last set of inspections we need in order to get the road open.” 

For live information about this and other roadworks, go to:

Published: 26th January 2024