Prolific rogue trader jailed after investigation by Lincolnshire Trading Standards

Trading Standards

Between 2018 and 2020, Quenton Allen, 37, of Mill Lane, Wrangle, targeted elderly and vulnerable residents, convincing them there were problems with their roofs or chimneys that needed urgent work.

Mr Allen and his associates would then carry out the unnecessary work – often to a very poor standard – and then charge the homeowners way above the going rate.

All roofs in this case were examined by an expert and deemed that the work was not required in the first place. Work also hadn’t been carried out to a good or expected standard in relation to the price that Mr Allen charged the homeowner.

A chimney on a house roof

One homeowner had their chimney rebuilt by Mr Allen. When inspected by our expert it was found to be much shorter than the original one and actually posed a safety risk if the homeowner were to use his fire.

After an initial delay due to the pandemic, Quenton Allen appeared in Lincoln Crown Court on 23 November 2023 where he pleaded guilty to Professional Diligence for all six properties involved in the case. 

At sentencing at Lincoln Crown Court on 19 January 2024, Mr Allen was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment of which half must be served, a victim surcharge and a Criminal Behaviour Order which will run indefinitely.

Senior Trading Standards officer, Sally Gray, said: “The consumers in this case lived throughout Lincolnshire.  The leaflets handed to them – despite looking legitimate – had a fictitious company name on them, so none of them really knew who they were dealing with. 

“In one case, the consumer was taken to the bank to withdraw the cash to pay Mr Allen and another was asked to part with their vintage car as part payment for the work that had been carried out.

“This sentence acts as a warning to others and should provide some level of justice to those who suffered, who will be pleased to see Quenton Allen behind bars.”

Residents are encouraged to use Buy With Confidence - an independent trader approval scheme. Businesses who are signed up to the scheme are vetted by Trading Standards so customers know they are open, honest, operate within trading law, and have good customer service.

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If you are aware of a business acting in a way that they shouldn’t, please report this to Trading Standards through the Citizens Advice consumer service. Call 0808 223 1133 or visit

Published: 19th January 2024