Helping businesses support employees impacted by domestic abuse

A speaker stood up at conference

Following last year’s successful launch, Lincolnshire’s Domestic Abuse Business Conference has returned for another sold out event.

Taking place in Boston, this year’s conference again featured an impressive line-up of national and local speakers, including a survivor of domestic abuse. The presentations underlined how the right response from an employer can make all the difference to someone experiencing domestic abuse.

Those who were unable to attend this year’s event will be able to watch the highlights online at Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership - YouTube . We would also like to thank our sponsors for this year’s event, Ringrose Law and Sills and Betteridge.

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for safer communities, said: “The Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership has made great strides in recent years in highlighting the need for action and tackling domestic abuse. Our work with businesses is an important strand of this, and that so many people made time for this event highlights the importance local businesses place on the wellbeing of their staff.

“Employers can provide vital support to those impacted by domestic abuse and can help identify those that might perhaps go unnoticed. We want to give businesses the tools to support those that feel they have nowhere to turn for help. This includes training to identify domestic abuse, assess risk and ensure positive, effective action is taken to support employees when they need it. We want to give businesses the confidence to raise concerns with employees and increase the wellbeing and mental health of their workforce.

“We’ve already established links with many local organisations, and I was pleased to see some new faces at this year’s conference, specifically those businesses that don’t work in the safeguarding sector. My hope is that the event will not only help to raise awareness of domestic abuse within the workforce, but the wider community too.”

For further information on the support available to businesses, visit


Published: 6th December 2023