Consultation launches as councils vote to pursue devolution

Cllr Martin Hill, Leader of Lincolnshire County Council, Cllr Philip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, Parliamentary Under Secretary State of Levelling Up Jacob Young, and Cllr Rob Waltham, Leader of North Lincolnshire Council.
Cllr Martin Hill, Leader of Lincolnshire County Council, Cllr Philip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, Parliamentary Under Secretary State of Levelling Up Jacob Young, and Cllr Rob Waltham, Leader of North Lincolnshire Council.

All three lead councils across Greater Lincolnshire have now voted in favour of taking the next steps towards a historic devolution deal.

An eight-week county-wide consultation involving all 1.1m residents has now been launched after the landmark proposal was approved by North East Lincolnshire Council, Lincolnshire County Council and North Lincolnshire Council.

Residents are being urged to have their say on the proposal which would bring £720m in extra cash and a raft of new powers to Greater Lincolnshire.

Lincolnshire County Council’s leader, Cllr Martin Hill, said: “This is an important day for the council and the county. We have negotiated an ambitious deal with the Government that will bring benefits to our residents for years to come, making sure we don’t get left behind. I hope that residents will take the time to understand what’s on offer and give their views as part of the consultation.

“This is our opportunity to take more decisions locally, boost our economy and have a direct line to government about what we need in our area.”

Cllr Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “This is the single biggest opportunity to improve outcomes for residents in generations.

“It is a huge opportunity to create new jobs, improve skills and training, supercharge investment in transport and roads and back our businesses to drive prosperity further and faster.

“Not only would residents see huge amounts of cash flowing into Greater Lincolnshire every year, but Lincolnshire would also have the power, which has been held in London, to spend this cash to tackle the issues people want tackled in their communities.”

North East Lincolnshire Council Leader, Cllr Philip Jackson, said: “This is another important step in our journey towards devolution, which is set to drive forward the right decisions and growth for the people of North East Lincolnshire and the greater county.”

The Proposal outlines the benefits to Greater Lincolnshire that devolution will bring, which include:

  • A Mayoral Investment Fund of £24 million per annum for 30 years to invest in infrastructure and skills development totalling £720m
  • A one off £28.4m capital investment in Greater Lincolnshire’s priorities
  • £2m capacity funding over three years
  • £1m skills for job funding
  • Local control over the Adult Education Budget from 2026
  • A consolidated, multi-year transport fund, providing increased financial certainty.

Alternatively, paper copies of the survey are available at libraries and community hubs across the area.

There will also be the opportunity to find out more about devolution at a series of public events. Following the consultation, further formal meetings will take place to assess the consultation results and put a recommendation to the Government.

If a decision is taken to move forward, a Mayoral Combined County Authority would be formed with the election for a Mayor in May 2025.

Published: 5th December 2023