Electric vehicle survey launched

A plug in silver car

Your views are wanted to help the future of EV’s in Lincolnshire

LCC wants you to have your say on the future of electric vehicle provision in Lincolnshire.

The survey, now live on Let’s Talk, is about gathering Lincolnshire’s views on electric vehicles, charge points and how the county will continue to build its programme for a greener car travelling future.

The electric vehicle county-wide charging provision is still in the early stages and, to make sure that the county council has the right foundations in place, LCC says it wants ‘real world’ input and info from the public.

The survey is open to anyone and everyone, not just those with hybrid or electric cars: www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/electric-vehicle-charging.

Everyone who completes the survey will be providing vital information that will go on to help shape what happens for electric vehicles in the coming years. The more information that can be gathered, the better, and LCC will be able to provide the right level of electric vehicle infrastructure to the right places.

Cllr Richard Davies, Executive member for Highways and Transport said: “This survey is a great chance for us to get the views of everyone about what happens next for electric vehicles in the county.

“Whether you have an electric vehicle or not, your opinion really matters to us and will be a part of the information we gather in making the right choices for the next generation of electric vehicles.”

To give your thoughts on what is needed for the next phase of electric vehicles Lincolnshire, go to: www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/electric-vehicle-charging.

Published: 27th November 2023