Award-winning learning at Museum of Lincolnshire Life

Three ladies stand around a Victorian style blackboard

The team at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life has been recognised for the outstanding learning programme they offer schools, colleges and universities.

Already since the start of September, the Museum of Lincolnshire Life has welcomed over 500 pupils and students on educational visits, teaching them about the county’s history.

The Sandford Award – in partnership with Bishop Grosseteste University and the Heritage Education Trust – recognises the museums, galleries, historic buildings, parks, zoos, and other attractions across the country that offer the very best learning programmes, aligned with the national curriculum.

Assessors look at how well the sites engage pupils, help them to understand local history, and the overall quality of the learning resources and experience.

At the Museum of Lincolnshire Life, the dedicated learning team primarily offer workshops focusing on the Victorian era, as well as creative arts and planting.

Cllr Lindsey Cawrey, executive member for culture at Lincolnshire County Council, said:

“This recognition for the Museum of Lincolnshire Life builds upon our previous Sandford Award successes at Lincoln Museum and Lincoln Castle, showing how we’re continuing to share our county’s history with younger generations.

“The award assessor complimented the team on the work they have done post-pandemic to strengthen our learning offer at the museum, and the imaginative activities that run during school holidays to allow visitors to dive into local history outside of term time.”

Sandford Award Lead Assessor wrote:

“The Museum of Lincolnshire Life has an engaging, active learning programme which makes use of the special aspects of the museum and presentation of its collection in room sets. This provides learners with the chance to investigate artefacts in context, led by a trained member of the learning team.

“The museum also runs imaginative family activities during the school holidays. Following pandemic-related lockdowns, the museum is making strong steps to re-build further and provide inspirational visits for learners today.”

The Museum of Lincolnshire Life – located on Burton Road, Lincoln – welcomes visits from all education providers, covering all ages from primary, right through to GCSE, A-level and university students. For more information visit

Or plan a personal visit at

Published: 16th October 2023