Date fixed for two council by-elections

LCC logo on white background

A by-election has been called to fill a vacancy at Lincolnshire County with voting to take place on Thursday 9 November.

This has come about following the death of Cllr Ray Wootten and the South Kesteven seat he held will be contested on the same day.

Candidates can be nominated until 4pm on Friday 13 October, and nomination papers must be signed by a proposer and seconder who need to be local government electors for the relevant ward or division.

Information on how to become a councillor can be found via the SKDC website at

Nomination papers and information packs are also available from the SKDC website at or from the elections team: 01476 406080, email:

The seats are Grantham St Wulfram's Ward (SKDC) and for the County Council division of Grantham North.

Published: 6th October 2023