County attractions scoop Travellers’ Choice Awards for outstanding reviews

a collage of four photo of heritage sites with the Tripadvisor laurel leaves logo. A castle, a museum, an army barrack and a plane

Lincoln Castle, Lincoln Museum, the Museum of Lincolnshire Life and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Visitor Centre all land a place among travellers’ favourites.

The Travellers’ Choice Awards are based on visitor reviews left on the travel website, Tripadvisor. Only those venues with the very best reviews over the last 12 months are recognised with the award.

It’s not the first time the four county council-run sites have won Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards, showing that visitors have been consistently impressed with their visits to the county’s cultural venues.

Cllr Lindsey Cawrey, executive councillor for cultural services at Lincolnshire County Council, said:

“At a time when the tourism economy across the county and nationwide is dealing with the effects of the rising cost of living, maintaining our Travellers’ Choice Awards this year is a real testament to the work all our staff do to provide amazing days out and value for money.

“And these awards aren’t decided by a panel of judges; Travellers’ Choice Awards go to those venues who are in the top 10 per cent of all listings on Tripadvisor, based entirely on the reviews of our visitors.

“If you come along to any of our venues, please let us know about your visit through Tripadvisor or Google reviews. Your reviews help others discover fantastic days out with us, and gives thanks to the staff and volunteers that do so much to make each visit extra special.”

Plan your visit to these award-winning venues:

You can also find the venues of Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and TikTok.

Published: 31st August 2023