Currently Reading

A selection of books stand on top of a library shelf

‘Ready, Set, Read’ the Summer Reading Challenge is now on for all children aged 4-11 at Lincolnshire’s core libraries. The sport and games themed challenge is easy to get involved in.

  • Go to your core library this summer to join the free challenge
  • Sign up to receive your Ready, Set, Read collector folder
  • Choose books to read over the holidays
  • Collect stickers to add to your folder and other rewards for each book you read
  • Complete the challenge and you’ll get your own medal and certificate

There will also be weekly free sport and games themed activities for children to get involved in, from obstacle courses to designing their own team mascot.

To help young readers choose from the thousands of brilliant books Lincolnshire Libraries have on offer, we’ve included below a few of library staffs favourites from the Ready, Set, Read collection. All titles are gathered here so you can reserve them for free to collect from your local library.

Molly and the Dolphins – Malachy Doyle

A lovely story, with wonderful illustrations by Andrew Whitson. A tale of friendship, adventures and looking out for one another. Other books in the series include: Molly and the Story Sea, Molly and the Whale and Molly and the Shipwreck. [Available in book and eBook formats]

I’m (almost) never bored – Anna Milbourne

All children have endured the feeling of boredom at one time or another. I’m (almost) never bored illustrates how being bored can open up new worlds using only our imagination. [Available in book format]

The boy whose wishes came true – Helen Rutter

Sometimes life can be difficult, stuff happens for no good reason. Archie Crumb knows this only too well, but then a bump on the head changes everything. If you were granted nine wishes, what would you wish for? [Available in book format]

The funny life of football – James Campbell

A laugh out loud book, for readers who love to play, watch or know nothing about the game of football! , Jam-packed full of football trivia. [Available in book, eBook, eAudio formats]

Click here to find out where your nearest library is or to join online.

Follow @Lincslibraries on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with all that’s on offer and going on in your local library.

Published: 21st August 2023