Lots more still to do!

Karen Lee at Lincoln Cathedral

Former MP for Lincoln, Karen Lee, using her drive and experience to benefit residents of her Ermine and Cathedral division.

After two years at Westminster working as MP for Lincoln, I have achieved some of my political ambitions – but there is lots more I want to do.

Born and raised in Lincoln, I attended St Hugh’s Catholic Primary School before going onto South Park Grammar School and then Lincoln College. I later trained as an adult branch registered nurse at Lincoln County Hospital.

My interest in politics began in 1994, but it wasn’t until 2004 that I was first elected on the City of Lincoln Council. I was Mayor of Lincoln in 2012 and in 2017 I was very proud to be elected to be the MP for Lincoln and went on to be Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services.

I returned to my NHS role in 2020 and life became very busy when I was also elected to represent Ermine and Cathedral (where I now live) with Lincolnshire County Council in May of 2021.

Playing an active part in the local community is very important to me. After being elected, I volunteered at our local foodbank for six months and have been involved with the “Free Tea Friday” sessions organised by St John the Baptist church on Sudbrooke Drive.  I’ve recently become a Governor at Ermine Academy and I’m a member of the Ermine Library Steering Group.

There is so much more I want to do locally. I have lobbied for increased funding for our Citizens Advice teams, because the organisation was only able to respond to 36 per cent of callers last year, and, the cost of living crisis has hit many people hard – they need someone to turn to.

Away from council business, I am passionate about two things – my family and my garden. I was blessed with four children and now also have five grandchildren. But when I’m not spending time with them I love getting in the garden. I would say I am a passionate amateur in the garden, but I find both my mental and physical wellbeing benefit enormously from being outside tending my plants.

I also love to travel, especially to Greece and Italy and I intend to do more of that when I finally retire and free up more time for it.

Cllr Karen Lee is the Labour councillor for Ermine and Cathedral and she lives within her division. Cllr Lee sits on the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee and the Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny Committee. She continues to work within the NHS as a cardiac nurse. E-mail: cllrk.lee@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

Published: 17th August 2023