Charge! Castle to become medieval battleground

Two medieval knights on horseback jousting

Join us for the return of the Grand Medieval Joust at Lincoln Castle this weekend.

For the first time since 2019, real knights on horseback will return to Lincoln Castle’s grounds and battle it out in ‘the Sport of Kings’ on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 August.

Meet the knights, choose your champion and cheer them on as they clash lances on the main lawn.

As well as the grand spectacle taking place throughout the day, visitors can explore the living history camp on site and speak to people about what life was like in medieval times.

There will also be live entertainment from jester Tom Fool, falconry displays, and a gruesome medieval surgeon showcasing terrible treatments of old – not for the faint hearted! Budding young knights can also have a go at jousting themselves on the wooden rolling horse.

Stephanie Beecher, Lincoln Castle events officer, said:

“The thunder of hooves and the clash of lances will be heard across the city as our knights return to Lincoln Castle. With the entertainment and living history camp too, coming through the medieval gates will be like stepping back in time. 

“The castle’s resident dragons, Lucy and Norman, will also be keeping a watchful eye over proceedings, and making sure our dualling knights don’t get any ideas.”

Entry to the event is with a standard castle day ticket, which also includes entry to the Medieval Wall Walk, Victorian Prison and Magna Carta.

Tickets are available in advance on or on the day. Annual pass holders get in free. 

Published: 8th August 2023