Improving wildlife habitats and biodiversity in Greater Lincolnshire

A wood mouse in it's natural habitat

The Government has announced 48 areas of the country will receive £14m for new Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Lincolnshire County Council will lead on this for Greater Lincolnshire.

LNRS are part of a national plan to improve wildlife habitats and biodiversity across England. This is important for nature’s own sake and for all the things that we rely on nature for, like clean water and food production.

Cllr Colin Davie said “Having a thriving natural environment is important for residents and businesses in Greater Lincolnshire. We’ll be working with all councils and other organisations to agree what our priorities are for our area. The development of the new Local Nature Recovery Strategy will then allow us to take action to restore natural environments, while ensuring that we maintain and grow our nationally important agriculture sector. I am keen to show through the LNRS that we can have improved nature recovery alongside improved food security.”

The Government expect local nature recovery strategies to propose actions such as:

  • creation of wetlands
  • restoration of peatlands
  • planting of trees and hedgerows
  • more sustainable management of existing woodlands and other habitats like grasslands

Published: 30th June 2023