Celebrating Lincolnshire’s fostering heroes

Foster carer awards 2023

Lincolnshire's fostering community has come together to celebrate those whose efforts have made a life-changing difference to children in care.

During the ceremony, over 70 local foster carers received awards, with some being recognised for 25 years of service. In addition, there were special recognition awards for those who have made an extraordinary contribution. The opportunity was also taken to welcome new carers to the fostering community.

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for children’s services, said: “Our foster carers do an amazing job looking after the county’s most vulnerable children and the annual awards are a way of saying thank you.

“That so many people deserved to be recognised for their contribution underlines just how strong the fostering community is in Lincolnshire. However, there's always a need for new people to come forward.

"Being a foster carer can be challenging, but it's also hugely rewarding. Foster carers often speak of a sense of pride in seeing the child develop and flourish, and, in terms of practicalities, there is a fostering allowance as well as additional support and training.

"So, if you think you could make a life-changing difference to a child in need, please get in touch."

Lincolnshire has a diverse fostering community. Each application to foster is considered on an individual basis and you can be a foster carer regardless of your marital status, sexuality, employment status, ethnicity, or religion. However, you do need to have a spare bedroom for a child or young person to use.

If you think you could foster a child and would like to know more, visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/fostering. You can also get in touch with the Lincolnshire fostering service by calling 01522 554114.

Published: 3rd May 2023