Taking a first step

An upset woman hugs a child

A new-look support service will help those experiencing domestic abuse in Lincolnshire.

Each year, an estimated 30,000 Lincolnshire residents aged 16-74 years are the victims of domestic abuse, with data suggesting a further 5,500 children may witness domestic abuse in their home.

To tackle this issue more effectively, the county council, with support from Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, has recently commissioned a new-look domestic abuse support service, working closely with partners to develop a more joined-up approach. This service will launch in April and includes:

  • Online support and advice for all domestic abuse victims
  • A support hub and helpline, directing people to the most appropriate services
  • Intervention services for both adults and children and young people
  • Recovery support
  • An outreach and engagement team

Support also includes specialist assistance for adults undergoing experiences such as stalking, controlling/coercive behaviour and honour-based violence.

The aim is to ensure victims are identified, allowing early and timely support and reducing the impact on families and rates of re-victimisation. The team are also working to increase community awareness and understanding of domestic abuse, meaning victims are more likely to be identified.

The new service will be called Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (LDASS) and will be delivered by EDAN Lincs.

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for safer communities, said: “The new-look service builds on the strengths of the existing support available in Lincolnshire, as well as a number of early intervention initiatives.

“Asking for help often isn’t easy, but if you think you’re in an abusive relationship, getting in touch with your local support service can be an important first step. They are fully trained and can give you a confidential space to explore your options and make safe decisions.

“So, if you are experiencing domestic abuse, or are concerned about a family member or friend, please reach out. We understand it can be difficult to report an abusive relationship but rest assured that your concerns will be taken seriously.”

How to find help and advice

Earlier this year, the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership launched its new and improved website, making it easier for those affected by domestic abuse to find the support they need.

The website is aimed at adults, children and young people who are either being abused or are using abusive behaviour, providing support and advice and signposting them to both local and national services.

Alternatively, you can get in touch by calling EDAN Lincs on 01522 510041 or, in an emergency, ringing 999.

The core principles

The new-look domestic abuse service is built around three core principles:

Prevention – intervening before harm occurs or preventing further harm

Protection – providing support to victims if harm has occurred to reduce the impact and increase safety

Recovery – to increase resilience, confidence, and skills to rebuild victims’ lives

Helping businesses support staff affected by domestic abuse

Domestic abuse also has significant consequences for employers throughout the country. Up to 75% of those experiencing domestic abuse are targeted at work and 54% miss at least three days of work a month.

Identifying domestic abuse is part of a business’s legal safeguarding responsibilities. The partnership can provide free advice and support to give your business the confidence to raise the issue of domestic abuse, helping increase the wellbeing and mental health of your workforce.

This work will help your business to identify when members of your workforce may be at risk or if a person is choosing to abuse. In addition, it explains how to listen to their concerns and support them accordingly.

Published: 20th April 2023