David Remfry: Hear from the artist himself at Usher Gallery event

David Remfry

Artist David Remfry will be in conversation with art historian Martin Gayford at the Usher Gallery on Friday 21 April.

An exhibition of some of Remfry’s great watercolour works is currently on display at the gallery in Lincoln, and to celebrate David will be sharing some of the stories from his career in this special evening event from 6pm to 8pm.

Tickets for the event cost just £5 per person, and are available now from www.ushergallery.com. Places are limited so visitors are advised to book early to avoid disappointment.

Specially curated by Usher Gallery staff, ‘David Remfry: A Moment Captured’ is an exhibition celebrating colour and movement, and features large-scale portraits spanning almost 30 years of Remfry’s career.

The in-conversation event comes in the final weeks of the exhibition, before it closes on Monday 1 May 2023.

At the event, the artist will be speaking with Martin Gayford, an art historian, critic and author who has written regularly for numerous national newspapers, art magazines and exhibition catalogues during his career.

Jenny Gleadell, exhibitions officer at the Usher Gallery, said:

“It has been an absolute pleasure to work with David Remfry on this exhibition at the Usher Gallery, and I’m so excited to welcome him back to Lincoln later this month for his conversation with Martin Gayford.

“David has some incredible stories to tell about working in New York and London, and I’m sure Martin’s questions will pull out some more insights into his influences and the inspiration behind his works.”

The Usher Gallery is on Danes Terrace, Lincoln, and is open Thursday to Monday from 10am to 4pm. Entry is free.

Plan your visit now at www.ushergallery.com.

Published: 6th April 2023