140,000 illegal cigarettes seized during multi-agency raids in Gainsborough

Boxes and bags full of illegal cigarettes

A total of 140,000 illegal cigarettes have been seized following raids on three stores and a residential property in Gainsborough.

Searches of the premises were carried out as part of a pre-planned, intelligence-led, multi-agency operation, involving officers from West Lindsey District Council, Lincolnshire County Council’s Trading Standards and Lincolnshire Police.

Kim Enderby, senior licensing and community safety officer for West Lindsey District Council, said the raids were carried out on Tuesday 28 March 2023. He said:

“All agencies involved had received intelligence that these stores were involved in the sale of illicit cigarettes. The three stores were raided simultaneously, whilst local police officers from Gainsborough also executed a search warrant at the residential address.

“Seizures of illegal cigarettes were made from all three of the retail stores with a further quantity being seized from the house. Over 140,000 illegal cigarettes were seized, which will have a real impact on the individuals behind this activity. Further investigations are ongoing by all the organisations involved.”

Andy Wright, Principal Trading Standards Officer at Lincolnshire County Council, explained seizures such as this are always investigated by the Trading Standards Service. He said:

“My officers will now investigate to establish the person, or persons, responsible.

“In many areas of Lincolnshire, we see a distinct relationship between retail of illegal cigarettes, anti-social behaviour, drugs, modern day slavery, and violent crime. The sale of illegal cigarettes is unacceptable to law abiding members of the community, but few realise the connection to more serious crime. The premises we inspected were used for the purpose of supplying illegal cigarettes and tobacco.

“Make no mistake, these are not local traders making a few quid on the side. These are part of national organised crime groups with links to more serious crime. If you have any information you feel may assist, we ask that you contact us.”

Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee, Cllr Owen Bierley, said:

“The Council’s aim is to make the district a safe and vibrant place to live, work and socialise. One of the ways to support legitimate businesses is by targeting those involved in criminal activity.

“Shops selling dangerous and illegal products contribute nothing to the local community or economy and this sort of activity will be met head on. Agencies working together, sharing information, pooling resources and skills, means we can make the maximum impact on days like this.”

Sergeant Amy Brigginshaw from Lincolnshire Police said: “During this operation we seized a large quantity of these goods, preventing them from hitting the streets in West Lindsey.

“All cigarettes are harmful, but some illegal and illicit goods, such as these made up of poor-quality ingredients, can actually be more damaging to a person’s health than an ordinary cigarette – they are not produced by licensed companies and contain unknown ingredients and quantities of chemicals. The sale of these goods is generating large incomes for criminal gangs and the loss of tax revenue means less money spent on your schools or hospitals.

“If you smoke, we urge you to purchase cigarettes and tobacco from reputable shops, where you know they have been produced by a licensed company.”

If you know anything about illegal tobacco products being sold in your community let us know - you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or report online at Crimestoppers.

Published: 7th March 2023