Bardney’s Tile House Bridge to get crucial work

The diversion route

Re-waterproofing the structure will mean many years of use to come for road users.

The reinforced concrete bridge, near Mince Pie Cottage on the B1202 Wragby Road, is in need of re-waterproofing works to keep it in top condition.

Replacing the waterproof layer on a bridge of this type is a planned routine maintenance set of work that has to happen around every 20 years or so, depending on the individual bridge. Vehicles going over the bridge, ingress of water and dissolved chemicals can all wear on the original waterproofing layer and that’s what has happened in Bardney.

And, whilst the waterproofing work is being carried out, LCC’s specialist crew will carry out a more in-depth structural examination of the bridge to ensure that everything is well within maintenance parameters.

Under a full closure of the B1202 Wragby Road (approx. 50m either side of the bridge), all surfacing above the existing waterproofing layer will be removed, including the footpaths. The old waterproofing will then stripped off and the deck fully re-waterproofed. Necessary repairs to other parts of the structure and nearby carriageway will also be undertaken alongside resurfacing.

Karen Cassar, assistant Ddirector of Highways said: “By carrying out these works we are ensuring that Tile House Bridge is good to go for a long time to come.

“Unfortunately, the road closure at this location can’t be avoided as the bridge has to be temporarily taken out of commission for the works to happen.

“Our specialist crew will work through the programme as quickly as possible and will endeavour to complete the bridge repairs as soon as possible. I’d like to thank everyone affected by these works for their patience whilst this is happening.”

Dates and times

The works will begin on Monday, March 6 and are planned to last for around five weeks, subject to suitable weather and any unforeseen circumstances.

Traffic management

The diversion route has been agreed in consultation with the Parish Council and the local highways officer. All diversion route signs will be distributed in accordance with requirements and will include advanced notice signage. The nature of the work means that there will be a full road closure around the bridge itself.

Diversion route

Travelling clockwise from Wragby, the diversion route will be: A158 southeast to Horncastle and then onto the B1190 west to Bardney.

Anticlockwise from Bardney, the route changes to: B1190 east to Horncastle then onto the A158 northwest to Wragby.

Location of works

The works will be carried out on Tile House Bridge, B1202 Wragby Road, Bardney (near Mince Pie Cottage).

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit

Published: 30th January 2023