Community is ‘Key’

A man walking in the countryside with two white and tanned small terriers

From acting to flower arranging, Cllr Andrew Key believes the more life experiences you have the better equipped you are to help people

“For me, it really is all about community, and that means considering the needs of those in your neighbourhood.

I was elected to the Heckington division following the last county council elections in 2021. I’m so proud to represent this area, having been born, raised and educated here, attending Heckington Primary School before moving on to Carre’s Grammar School.

But, it is my working life as a funeral celebrant over the last 15 years which has helped me the most to empathise with the residents I represent.

When you find yourself emerged into the lives of ordinary families during their most difficult times, it teaches you so much about people and how you can best help them.

Wherever you find a friendly and supportive community, you tend to find effective volunteer groups and organisations at the root of it.

When I see hard-working volunteers tackling local issues, you know you have a friendly and supportive community. Having gained so much from volunteering myself, I always encourage others to give something back – the benefits of volunteering go both ways.

A group of volunteers I lead raised more than £100,000 for Great Hale Village Hall, for its much-needed renovation, and I also headed up the ‘Heckington 100’ project team, as part of the county’s commemoration of the centenary of World War I.

I was immensely proud to receive a North Kesteven District Council Community Champion award for that work, among other awards.

Volunteering comes in many forms. I consider my past involvement with amateur local theatre as a form of volunteering which helps bring a little joy into people’s lives..

Another great hobby of mine is my flower arranging. A few years ago, I could never have seen myself taking to this so completely, but now I find it taking up more and more of my time - I am now even demonstrating to others as well as being part of the North Midlands area team for NAFAS, the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.   

Cllr Andrew Key is the Conservative councillor for the Heckington Division. He is married to Mandy and they have two children who are now grown up – Kate and Curtis. Andrew is the vice chairman of the Adults and Community Wellbeing Committee and also sits on the Public Protection Scrutiny Committee.

Published: 19th December 2022