Support from the start

A young boy and girl making crafts with their dad in a Children's Centre

Help for families wishing to give their children a head start

The early years and experiences of every child can have a major influence on their adult life, so the council provides a wide range of help for families.

Lincolnshire’s children’s centres are designed to support all families with children from birth to five-years-old, and all are free to join.

There is a warm welcome awaiting anyone at any of the county’s 48 children’s centres, and each offers a variety of activities, free drop-in sessions and helpful services.

Any adult caring for a child can access the centres, including grandparents, foster carers and childminders.

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for children’s services, said: “We want all Lincolnshire children to be happy and healthy and be well prepared for starting school.

“There is clear evidence that identifying risks early and preventing problems from escalating means better long-term outcomes for children and their families.

“Not only can children's centres help give your child a great start in life, but they also offer fantastic support for parents and carers, helping them to be healthy before, during and after pregnancy and to bond with their child.”

The county’s children’s centres offer:

  • child and family health services
  • advice and information for families
  • childcare and early education
  • support for parents on a range of issues
  • training and employment advice
  • outreach services to children and families not attending the centre

Each centre also offers additional services and activities tailored to the needs of the local community. All centres involve parents in planning their activities, providing an opportunity to make new friends and share experiences.

You can find further information on your nearest children's centre and what services and activities are available on the council’s website at 

Family Hubs programme

Lincolnshire County Council has recently been selected as one of 75 local authorities to benefit from the government’s Family Hubs initiative. The programme aims to make a positive difference to parents, carers and their children by ensuring that services that are more joined-up and that help is easier to access and available earlier. 

 Building upon the firm foundation provided by children’s centres and the early help team, the project will see the council and its partners working closely with families and local communities to improve the support available, particularly in the crucial first 1,001 days of a child’s life.



Published: 12th December 2022