Which council services are most important to you?

County Views autumn

As the council prepares to set its budget for the 2023/24 financial year, it’s asking residents to share their views on which services they value most.

People can have their say by joining the County Views citizens’ panel online at www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk.

There are already 1,000 panel members helping to improve council services by sharing their views, and by joining the panel you too can take part in this and other engagement opportunities.

In this latest County Views survey, panel members will be asked which council services should be prioritised and why. People have until 4 January to complete the survey.

Cllr Martin Hill OBE, leader of Lincolnshire County Council, said: “This year, the council is spending over £500m on a wide range of vital services, including road maintenance, adult care, children’s social care and the fire service.

"Although we don’t yet know how much funding we’ll receive from the government for 2023/24, rising inflation and increased demand for services will inevitably present challenges.

“However, thanks to our strong financial management over the last decade, we are perhaps better placed than some other councils to navigate the next few years.

"That’s because we weren’t afraid to take difficult decisions in the past, and we have continued to find savings through measures like increased use of digital technology and reducing office space.

“In the new year, we’ll be setting our budget for 2023/24, and it’s important to us that our proposals reflect the needs and priorities of our residents. So please take part in our survey and let us know which services you value the most.”

Initial budget proposals will be presented to the council’s executive on 4 January. There will then be an opportunity for residents to share their views, during which period the results of the County Views survey will be shared with leading councillors and officers.

The final budget is set to be approved at the meeting of the full council on 17 February.

You can find further details on the council’s budget at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/budget.

Published: 23rd November 2022