How fire safe is Lincolnshire?

Fire engine close up

Lincolnshire’s fire service want to hear what residents think are the biggest risks to their safety.

As part of the service's regular updating of their community plans, the service needs the opinions of residents about the key emergencies the fire service respond to.

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue develops a Community Risk Management Plan every four years. Work has already started on the next plan for 2024.

Ben Illsley, group manager for community risk management at Lincolnshire Fire ad Rescue, said:

“This is really important work to assess the biggest risks to people, infrastructure and the environment in Lincolnshire. We use this to decide how to use our resources in future to reduce risks and keep the people of Lincolnshire safe and well. Of course we use lots of data and intelligence too, but this doesn’t always give a full picture of risk. Therefore we want to hear from the public to provide essential information to fill in any gaps.

“This stage will help us understand the public's perception of risk and their understanding of our existing plans. We really appreciate your time to help us provide the best service to our communities.”

Residents can take part by going to and filling in the short survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes.

The survey closes on 7 December.

Published: 26th October 2022