Grantham Parking Permit Scheme – a month to go to have your say!

Traffic jam

Time is running out to get your views to Lincolnshire County Council.

You have until November 16 to get your views to Lincolnshire County Council about the proposed Residents Parking Permit scheme in Grantham.

The plans are looking at the residential area between Wharf Road, London Road and Station Road. A survey has already been carried out to gauge support for permit only parking.

Previously the results from the survey showed that the majority of respondents were in favour of the plans.

The proposed scheme will operate Monday to Saturday between the hours of 08.00 and 18.00. Two-hour limited waiting bays will also be introduced to allow for visitor short term parking.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways said: “During the Grantham Transport Strategy engagement last year, a number of residents expressed interest in the possibility of a residents parking scheme.

"As a result of this, we have previously sent out 2036 letters to residents to gauge interest from those living in the residential areas. We want to see if they would like to take this idea forward.

“We remain interested in hearing about the problems residents face when trying to park and the impact of high levels of traffic on their streets.

"The feedback from residents about these issues is very important and I would ask that, if anyone hasn’t yet done so, they take the time to get in touch and let us know their thoughts on this scheme.

“In terms of cost, the actual price for permits has yet to be finalised because it depends on various factors including the exact type of scheme and the number of residential addresses that may be included.

"The current estimate is in the region of £50-60 per vehicle, per year, but this is not set in stone and could change as we progress further with the outline plan.”

Anyone wishing to get in touch about the plans for the residents parking permits can do that by emailing: for any enquiries about how online permits and visitor permits work or for any general comments, support or objections to the proposed Residents Parking Scheme.

Published: 13th October 2022