New Prime Minister Liz Truss today announced a package of measures, including a cap on energy prices for households and businesses, to support them through the rising cost of energy bills.
Cllr Colin Davie, executive councillor for economic development, environment and planning at Lincolnshire County Council said:
“The Prime Minister’s statement outlined clear and immediate actions to build a stronger, more resilient country – and importantly actions will help businesses and households across Lincolnshire.
“I welcome the government’s approach which is deliberately pro-growth, pro-business, and pro-investment. Combining the immediate support with a new energy supply taskforce to drive energy production across sectors to make the UK a net energy exporter.
“Importantly the Prime Minister made a commitment that local support will be an important factor. The Prime Minister highlighted that the hospitality industry will receive support beyond the initial six-month business support package. This is hugely important for our Visitor Economy.
“Our future economic success is reliant on having a secure energy supply at an affordable price, under UK control.
“Today I am writing to the Secretary of States for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as well as Levelling Up, Homes and Communities. I will be welcoming the announcements in the House today and I will also be asking that energy efficiency for existing properties and new builds are an important part of the solution to make homes affordable.”