Material supply issues means a break in the schedule that will allow the road to be opened at 7am Wednesday.
Issues at the contractor’s asphalt plant today have meant that surfacing work at the A151 Dozens Bank, Pinchbeck, has had to be curtailed.
The road will now re-open tomorrow morning (Wednesday) with crews returning later in the week once the materials can be made and delivered to complete the job.
The original plan was to lay 200 tonnes of asphalt today as the road’s new surface. However, the issues at the asphalt plant have meant that only 80 tonnes could be delivered.
This means that the works will now be completed for today and this evening and, once they are, the road will be re-opened for traffic. This is planned to happen for 7am tomorrow morning.
The surfacing works and finishing off jobs such as line painting etc are likely to continue later this week and may happen into the coming weekend.
When we have a date for these works an announcement will be made and the road will then be closed so that crews can complete the job.