Two upcoming events will help parents, carers and professionals keep children safe online.
On 18 May, the Stay Safe Partnership’s online safety officer Dan Hawbrook will be hosting A Date with Dan, a free online safety Q&A session. The session is designed for parents and carers and will cover whatever you want to know – whether it's game ratings, parental controls, bullying or contact from strangers. The event will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and runs from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
On 15 June, this will be followed by Ask Dan Anything, a free event for professionals working with children and young people. Whether you are a teacher, nursery worker, early help worker, children’s mental health worker or PCSO, this event will answer any questions you have about keeping children and young people safe online. The event will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and runs from 4pm to 5pm.
Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for safer communities, said: “The internet is fast-paced and constantly evolving, and it can be difficult to stay up to speed with new apps and new dangers. As a result, online safety can be a bit of a minefield, and many of us have questions about how we can not only keep our children and young people safe, but also let them enjoy the benefits the online world brings. These sessions will give parents, carers and professionals the knowledge and confidence to help children and young people feel safe and make informed decisions.”
Although both sessions are free, you will need sign up in advance via the following links: