Reducing parental conflict

What can we do

If you are in a relationship or family who are struggling to manage these arguments and conflict at home. There is free support available for you. If you are not in a violent, controlling or abusive relationship.

It's great that you have been able to recognise that you want some help to overcome these worries. So that the impact on your family is avoided. See It Differently have some great tips and strategies that could really help you.

If you feel you need a bit more help than this, there are some free online support sessions for parents experiencing conflict.  There are 4 online sessions that you can access on your own, with your partner or with support from family, friends or a professional:

To access these resources, all you need to do is register an account for yourself as a parent (free of charge) 

  • Me, You and Baby Too - Helping expectant and new parents cope with changes in their relationship. Learn how to cope with becoming a new parent and stress
  • Arguing better - Raise awareness of the impact that parental conflict can have on children. By helping parents develop better ways of managing stress and arguments.
  • Getting it Right for Children - support separated or separating parents. Helping parents to avoid the harmful situations involving their children.
  • Debt and relationships - Debt and money troubles are one of the biggest causes of relationship stress, and the rising cost of living could mean this becomes a greater issue for many families. Helping parents to consider different ways they might find themselves in debt, the impact this can have on relationships and why it’s a good idea to talk to one another.

Separating from your partner

An App is available that can guide you both through a smoother separation, It is free to use and offers:

  • self-guided support: expert emotional advice and practical tips such as childcare and financial arrangements
  • progress tracking: monitor your separation journey and unlock app sections as you go
  • an emotional readiness quiz: get a sense of where you are in your separation journey 
  • co-parenting tips: stay organised and communicate for positive co-parenting 

You can download the Separating Better app for free, track your emotional preparedness, and take control of your separation journey.

Further free advice and support

Click – free online relationships support
Relate – free advice and resources
Anna Freud Organisation
Action for Children – advise for parents experiencing relationship difficulties
Advice for professionals