Counter fraud
Fraud can damage an organisation and its reputation overnight.
Our team can help you to:
- raise awareness of fraud risks
- conduct proactive counter fraud exercises
- identify and investigate fraud cases
- recover financial losses
- manage confidential information and liaise with police
We can also investigate:
- staff conduct
- grievances
- dignity at work issues
- concerns about team culture or practice
For advice, email
Schools training
Please ensure that all school staff complete or re-take best practice fraud e-learning, to develop a better understanding of fraud and how to report it.
To obtain details of our current fraud awareness e-learning material, email
For more information, read about training and counter fraud tools.
To contact us, email
Insurance services
Our skilled team offers a wealth of knowledge on insurance-related matters.
We procure insurance for all county council services and schools.
Insurance for academies
Our experienced schools insurance team is no longer a member of the Midlands Academies Insurance Group (MAIG). However, if you are interested in further information on this product, contact
One-off insurance
We can help if you are thinking about:
- changing your activities
- working with new partners
- delivering new services
- generating income
If your current insurance is not sufficient, we can provide advice and solutions.
If you are insured with the council, download your certificate now.
For advice, email
Risk management
Good risk management involves taking advantage of the good opportunities whilst still being robust enough to cope in the event that things go wrong.
We can help you manage your risks more effectively:
- Equipping you for intelligent risk-taking and making you better at heading off ‘nasty surprises’
- Developing a risk management strategy that is appropriate to the size and complexity of your organisation
- Thinking about risk differently. Depending on the risk appetite of your organisation, you may decide to spend less time on complex pre-project analysis in favour of getting on with actively managing potential risks
For a fee our team will:
- review how you manage your risks
- identify risk management strengths and what you are doing well
- recommend any improvements
- provide you with an action plan to move your organisation forward towards better outcomes
We can help your organisation to develop and implement action plans through:
- policy development
- staff and management awareness training
- development of toolkits, templates and protocols
For advice, email
What we offer local schools and academies
We support schools and academies through our Edulincs offering.