Performance and development appraisal policy

Performance management framework

All performance and development appraisals are part of our performance management framework.

Our performance and development appraisals:

  • link with our corporate plan priorities
  • link to learning and development requirements
  • are efficient and flexible

Some areas may wish to use:

  • professional competencies
  • standards set by relevant professional bodies

We want to ensure that employees at all levels can see and understand that the objectives we set contribute to the council's success.

Appraisers must ensure that all appraisals are fair and equitable for all appraisees, in line with our diversity and inclusion policy.

The performance management framework is flexible.  It can be adjusted to meet the needs of different roles and circumstances.

Formal disciplinary and grievance issues are not part of the performance and development appraisal procedure. We will deal with these separately. We will record any issues about poor performance in the one to one and appraisal meeting documentation. We want to ensure that any contradictory messages given to the employee do not undermine the formal monitoring of performance (through the capability policy).

We do not usually allow electronic, audio or video recordings of one to one and performance and development appraisal meetings. The appropriate senior manager must give express authorisation before any such recording takes place.

This policy aims to create a performance management framework to ensure that all employees:

  • have an annual performance and development appraisal meeting
  • receive regular one to one meetings with their line manager to discuss their performance during the year and discuss:
    • wellbeing
    • progress on objectives
    • work activity
    • the council values
    • learning
    • development
  • know, at the beginning of their employment, the standard of performance and behaviour we expect
  • will have a one to one to discuss objectives shortly after starting their employment or new post
  • are set appropriate, outcome-focussed and SMART objectives with their appraiser to achieve, which are linked to the corporate plan priorities
  • are made aware of any areas in their work or behaviour that are not to the required standard
  • receive recognition for their achievements
  • give and receive regular constructive and respectful feedback with the aim to support, improve and develop their positive behaviours and performance
  • be supported to speak up about issues which are affecting them or others
  • identify with their line manager their learning and development needs and aspirations

Objectives will be appropriate to the role.  The manager and employee will determine how they are monitored over the appraisal year.